Educational Technology Resources Database

In today's world, technology is ubiquitous. New opportunities and ways to integrate technology into the learning process are being created every day. Bringing technology into the classroom serves not only a tool, but also a resource for accessing information that further enables learning. In an age where the ways to integrate technology into the classroom are endless and daunting, New Horizons for Learning aims to evaluate technological methods and devices in an effort to provide educators with an efficient resource database that is teacher-tested.

We are just beginning the process of developing this Educational Technology Resource Database.
As we develop and evaluate resources,turn to this page for up-to-date, valuable ways to incorporate technology into your classroom.

Educational Technology Resource Database Volunteer Opportunity

Help us help you.
Our users visit this site from all over the globe and bring a wealth of experience. As we move forward with this initiative, our users will be the key to this project's success. After all, whose reviews would you trust? Most likely motivated teachers, with experience in your subject area, who have tested the educational technology resources in their classrooms. Please consider applying for one of the volunteer opportunities below, submitting a resource you would like our team to review, or sharing your experiences with a technology resource that has made a difference in your classroom or school.
  • Educational Technology Reviewer
    New Horizons for Learning is in need of reviewers in six subject areas: English, Fine Arts, Foreign Languages, Math, Science and Social Studies. Reviewers will be asked to try educational technology resources in their classrooms and evaluate their effectiveness and efficiency while providing valuable tips for user implementation. Reviewers will work in online teams, coordinated by a subject consultant, to produce these evaluations of tested resources for the database. Strong writing skills, content knowledge, ability to meet deadlines, and an interest in educational technology are musts. Most importantly, interested applicants should be genuinely interested in contributing their voice to help New Horizons develop a database to increase the ease and efficiency with which their colleagues can access resources to aid educational technology implementation.
For more information, please email with your desired position, subject area, and educational background.

Here you can view coming attractions for a search engine to solve math equations, discover a program that allows teachers to explore the depths of the ocean on a boat and communicate observations to their classrooms, and even learn from students working in teams to plan space flights.

Articles on Education Technology:

  • The Weak Signal of Mobile Governance
With technology making society increasingly interconnected in what many have come to call the ?Connected Age,? in what ways will we require a new system of representative democracy? Rick Smyre explores this question in his article The Weak Signal of Mobile Governance found here:
Rick is a professional futurist, President of the Center for Communities of the Future (,
  • Socioeconomic Status Predicts Hemispheric Specialization of the Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus in Young Children

    Raizada, R. D., Richards, T. L., Meltzoff, A. M. & Kuhl,P. K. (2008). Socioeconomic status predicts hemispheric specialization of the left inferior frontal gyrus in young children. NeuroImage, 40, 1392-1401.
  • Foundations for a New Science of Learning
    Meltzoff, A. N., Kuhl, P. K., Movellan, J., & Sejnowski,T. J. (2009). Foundations for a New Science of Learning. Science, 325, 284-288. Can be found through subscription to Science Magazine:

New Innovations and Programs for Teachers and Students:

  •  http://www.onlineteachingdegree.comThe project is a general information website with many resources useful to current individuals involved in the education industry. The site also discusses the offline and online educational paths one can follow to obtain a degree in education or a related field. Thank you for sharing this resource with us, Veronica Jensen!

  • WolframAlpha Answer Engine
    Have you ever wanted to put math or science equations into Google and receive the answer and explanation within seconds? This new type of search engine does just that! Though it is not running just yet, this introductory video will give you a good overview and more information. Get excited!
  • The Neptune Project

    This program takes teachers on the boat as they explore the ocean depths and the teachers communicate what they are seeing back to the classrooms
  • The Aerospace Scholars Program at the Museum of Flight in Seattle
Students work in teams to plan space flights to distant planets.
  • Ashoka's Youth Venture: Everyone a Changemaker
Students have the opportunity to develop local projects that may turn into nonprofits funded through this program.

JHU CTYOnline Mobile Learning Videos

At the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, students enrolled in the CTYOnline program can access their course materials through mobile devices. These courses feature videos, interactive exercises, quizzes, discussions, blogs, and other features, most of which work reasonably well for mobile users.  Figure 1 shows a video of a critical reading course for elementary students, using the Motorola Android phone, the Flash-based interactive glossary word game is accessible, including sound effects.
Figure 1: Quests and Challenges using the Motorola Android phone
Figure 2 shows some examples of mobile access to the Computer Security Fundamentals course, for students in grade 7 and up, using the Safari browser on the iPhone.  The touchscreen interface is intuitive to use and responsive, but clicking on one of the Flash-based lectures results in a white screen. 
Figure 2: Computer Security Fundamentals using the iPhone and Safari browser 
For Droid users, these videos appear, though load time will vary (Figure 3).  Entering text using either the onscreen or physical keyboard is time consuming, though not impossible for short phrases.
Figure 3: Computer Security Fundamentals using Motorola Droid 
The road ahead for m-learning is bound to be bumpy, but mobile phones are already in most teachers’ and students’ hands -- and their hearts, as well -- so the journey may be shorter than we think.
-Excerpt from an article in our Winter 2011 Journal: M-Learning: Promises, Perils, and Challenges for K-12 Education

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