Education for students through apple app

We’re making Apple devices as easy to deploy as they are to use.

New features coming this April will make the setup process simpler than ever. You’ll be able to get students and staff enrolled quickly, configure devices automatically, and easily buy and distribute apps and books.
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Get your school up and running.

We’ve created a central system where technology managers can create accounts for everyone in the school, define roles and permissions, manage devices, and buy and distribute content in time for the first day of class.


Apple School Manager

The new Apple School Manager is a simple, web-based portal that has everything admins need to deploy iPad and Mac in schools. Automatically create Managed Apple IDs for all students and staff, configure device enrollment settings, and easily buy and distribute apps, books, and learning materials. And you can log in from a web browser on any Mac or PC.

Apple School Manager Overview
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Built-in privacy.

Apple will never track, share, or sell student information for advertising or marketing purposes. We build powerful safeguards into all of our devices, operating systems, and services — including Managed Apple IDs, which are kept under the administration of your district. So the security, privacy, confidentiality, and integrity of student information is always protected. And we never track students or build profiles based on their email content or web browsing.

Managed Apple IDs

Managed Apple IDs are a new kind of Apple ID that gives students access to iCloud, iTunes U, and Shared iPad, while maintaining the control schools need. Apple School Manager lets you automatically create Managed Apple IDs for all students and staff by importing the necessary data from your Student Information System (SIS) or CSV files exported from your school’s directory service. And because Managed Apple IDs are owned and assigned by your institution, you can easily reset passwords, audit accounts, and define roles for everyone in the district.
We think Apple School Manager will save our tech staff lots of time — so we can manage devices, content, and our student accounts all from one place.
Patrick Scanlan
Supervisor of Technology & Information Services, San Jose Unified School District 

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Set up devices automatically.

We’ve streamlined device setup for both one-to-one and Shared iPad environments.* Now you can wirelessly configure settings and restrictions according to your school’s requirements, then easily assign devices to students, teachers, or class groups.

Apple School Manager and your MDM work together.

You can set up and manage iPad and Mac wirelessly through your mobile device management (MDM) solution. Since your MDM and Apple School Manager work together seamlessly, you can automate setup and enrollment with the right settings and restrictions, then assign devices and apps according to the class groups you’ve defined.

Choosing your MDM solution.

Mobile device management solutions are available from a wide range of vendors, whether your school is better suited for a cloud-hosted environment or an on-premise server. MDM solutions come with different features and pricing, so you have flexibility in deciding how to bring Apple devices into your school.

Shared iPad

Shared iPad is a new iOS 9 feature for schools that share devices but still want to provide personalized experiences.* Before class begins, teachers can assign any student any shared iPad. Students know which devices to use because their pictures are on the Lock screens. Students can access their personal content using a password or easy-to-remember four-digit PIN. And because data is locally stored on the devices, after they log in, their homework, apps, and assignments are exactly as they left them. So teachers and technology managers won’t lose time backing up or wiping data between classes.
Shared iPad will allow our district to transform a cart of shared devices into a personalized learning experience for each student.
Eric Culpepper
Technology Support Specialist, Goose Creek CISD

Get the right learning materials to the right classes.

Because all of your accounts, devices, and content are in sync, it’s easy for technology managers to provide classrooms with the right apps, books, and learning materials in time for the first day of class.

Buy in volume and distribute wirelessly.

When you purchase apps for iPad and Mac, your education volume discount is applied automatically. And as soon as you make a purchase, it’s simple to use your MDM to push apps and books to the classes, teachers, and students who need them.

Classroom App

Classroom is a powerful new iPad app that helps teachers guide learning, share work, and manage student devices. Teachers can launch a specific app, website, or textbook page on any device in the class, or share student work on a TV, monitor, or projector using Apple TV. They can even reset a student’s password, see which apps students are working in, and assign a specific shared iPad for the class period. The Classroom app is easy to set up on a teacher’s iPad with the help of MDM. And since it uses Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to connect to each student’s iPad, classes can get right to learning without requiring daily support from IT.
View Classroom in the App Store
We feel that IT should be hands-off as much as possible. Teachers need control — now they’ll have more power to manage their technology which reduces support from our IT staff.
Blair Anderson
Technology Director, Shawnee Heights School

Compatible with standardized testing platforms.

iPad is an approved device for securely administering summative exams, including state standardized tests from the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC), the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC), and ACT Aspire. By working with your MDM, you can configure devices for autonomous single-app mode and disable certain features for tests, making iPad a great tool for both formative and summative assessments.

Assessments Overview
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Deployment Resources

Apple School Manager Help
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Classroom Help
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Getting Started with Classroom
Download PDF

iOS Deployment Reference
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OS X Deployment Reference
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Profile Manager Help
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Apple Configurator Help
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Education Deployment Guide
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