Special education shifts to results-driven framework

New guide explains how RDA works and how districts’ special education departments can successfully address the new rules

special-educationThe Office of Special Education Programs’ (OSEP) new Results Driven Accountability (RDA) framework changes its accountability system from a primary focus on compliance to an increased emphasis on results.
To help educators understand and better prepare for a shift in special education from compliance to a results-driven framework, Excent Corp., developer of the Enrich special needs management software platform, has published a guide titled “ABC’s of RDA: Results Driven Accountability.”
The 18-page PDF explains the new RDA system, the processes being put in place, and how data collection and analysis can help educators address the new RDA rules.
“ABC’s of RDA” begins by explaining the shift in the way the U.S. Department of Education oversees the effectiveness of states’ special education programs.
It discusses the foundation of RDA, such as the stakeholders involved and the underlying principles, as well as the three components of the RDA framework.
The guide then discusses how educators can use student data to improve outcomes. Finally, it outlines the tasks that states and local education agencies should require from whatever technological tool is selected to support them in the collection and management of special education data.
“Under the new RDA framework, the Office of Special Education Programs has shifted the balance from a system focused primarily on procedural compliance to one that puts more emphasis on results. This shift has put a considerable strain on states and districts, which are already administering and monitoring complex special education program guidelines,” said David Craig, president of Excent. “Our customers tell us repeatedly how about the challenges the new RDA system presents… We developed this guide based on our experience helping districts across the country, and we sincerely hope it will help ease the challenge for other districts and educators as well.”

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