Celebrating Life on National Cancer Survivors Day

Cancer Survivors

Cancer is defined as a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. A survivor is a person who copes well with difficulties in their life.
The National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation defines a Cancer Survivor as anyone living with a history of cancer – from the moment of diagnosis through the remainder of life. Therefore, a Cancer Survivor is somebody who has overcome his/her cancer or cancer diagnosis.
A new report by the American Cancer Society says that even though the rates of new cancer cases are decreasing, the number of cancer survivors is growing. This is due partly to improved treatments that help people with cancer live longer, and improvements in early detection that allow doctors to find cancer earlier when it is easier to treat.
National Cancer Survivors Day is a day that is celebrated all over the U.S. and, now, in some other countries as a day to acknowledge the strength and determination of cancer survivors. It is celebrated on the first Sunday in June. This day is celebrated with some specific aims in mind:
  • It applauses the survivors and honors their courage
  • It showcases the willpower to fight the disease to those who have been diagnosed with cancer
  • It is a way for cancer patient families to meet similar families
  • It creates awareness for the whole society
It is a very important day as all the former patients, recently diagnosed patients, family and care providers come together and celebrate life and spread the message of positivity. This emotional day reminds us the truth about life, that “time keeps on changing.” One moment may seem hopeless but the next moment might bring extreme joy and zest. Meeting up and learning about the life stories of cancer survivors is a very effective way of encouraging and cheering on those who are fighting the battle.
National Cancer Survivors Day is for over 14 million people to come together to spread awareness and, as a result, encourage health agencies to develop avenues for research. All of us can join the cause to help those in need and donate to secure better research and facilities.

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